To file a Safe Sport complaint, Click Here

USA Swimming is committed to fostering a fun, healthy, and safe environment for all of its members. For that reason, USA Swimming and the Georgia Swimming LSC have created a detailed Code of Conduct. Safe Sport also provides policies, education, a reporting structure, and tools that are intended to serve our members as we work together to maintain this environment. Visit the U.S. Center for SafeSport.

Each club is required to have a Club Safe Sport Coordinator. Below is a description for the club-level position.

Club Safe Sport Coordinator Description
Charge: The purpose of the Club Safe Sport Coordinator is to identify, plan, and execute efforts to raise awareness for Safe Sport within the club’s coaches, parents, and athletes.
  1. Be a registered non-athlete member of USA Swimming;
  2. Successfully pass the required USA Swimming criminal background check ;
  3. Complete the USA Swimming athlete protection training; and
  4. Attend the Local Swimming Community Safe Sport Chair Workshop in the first year in the role and subsequently every other year.
Selection and Term of Service: Shall be dictated by each club.
  1. Serve on Club Board of Directors/Reports directly to the Owner/Head Coach/President
  2. Be a resource for the club on how to create and foster positive Safe Sport culture.
  3. Work with Club Leadership to:
    1. Update Club Safe Sport website content
    2. Include Safe Sport information/fliers in Club meet information, heat sheets, meet packets, etc.
    3. Coordinate the successful completion of the Safe Sport Certified Club application
  4. Works with new athletes and parents to:
    1. Educate them about the Safe Sport Program
    2. Encourage participation in online Athlete Protection Training
  5. Organize in-person training.
    1. Secure trainer
    2. Coordinate logistics club members: room/location, any refreshments, communicates date/time/location
  6. Solicit and receive feedback and suggestions on the Safe Sport policies and programs from the club’s membership and provide that feedback to the LSC’s Safe Sport Chair.

If you have questions, concerns, or would like a visit from the Georgia Swimming Safe Sport Coordinator, contact Michael O'Shaughnessy at [email protected]

Downloadable Resources